Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Summer is Here

Now that summer is here Brad and I have been so busy. My little brother and his cousin made all-stars in baseball and so now that is what we do most. During the week we work and if we have time when we get off then we go watch one of them practice. Weekends are spent at the ballpark! We would do anything for both of them and love watching them play. Jordan played in a tournament a few weekends ago in Mississippi and so Sunday morning at 2:45 a.m. we left the house headed to support him. They played in some town about 5 minutes from Memphis Tenn. It took us about 5 hours to get there. Well it would have only taken us 4, but we got on the wrong track and headed straight up to Tenn. instead of going north west. That was a very long HOT day, but we really enjoyed it. We got back home around 9 that night. I guess we will go wherever we have to go to see them play.


Miranda said...

I love the layout!!