Posted by The McCullough Household at 2:19 PM 1 comments
Thanksgiving day was go go go as always for us. We went to 4 different homes and tried to eat a little at each. When we finally made it home we put up our Christmas tree. By the way never again will I have a pre-lit tree!!! Besides that, we had a great Thanksgiving. We were both stuffed from all the food, but it was all delicious. Brad and I went shopping the day after Thanksgiving and it was chaos. We went to Toy-R-Us first and that was a mistake! The workers were rude, the store was packed, and the checkout line was 2 miles long. That was not a good experience at 5 in the morning!!! Anyway so we got out of there and headed to the mall. We did attempt to go back around 9 and it was still terrible so we left empty handed again. We finished up around 11a.m. and went home. I was able to get all of my Christmas except for 3 things. I will post pictures of the tree soon.
Posted by The McCullough Household at 2:08 PM 0 comments
Okay so I bet you are wondering what happened to me. No, I did not fall off the face of the earth! Believe it or not, I am still here. Anyway I have not posted in a while because I have been covered up with school and my 3 jobs. So I thought I would spend the holidays trying to catch up on everything. Of course as we all know the economy is like really down right now and everyone is cutting back. Well Brad works at Mercedes and they have been cutting back since August. They tried to do a buyout and they needed 400 people to take it. Guess what, there was only like 140 people that took it. So they are now strating to force the low senority people to take the buyout! Brad of course is one of those people.
I have really stressed and cried over this, but I talked with God about it Wednesday night before I went to bed and when I got up on Thrusday morning I was not stressed at all. I have yet to cry over it or worry about it since then. I know that God will take care of us and we will make it. We also lost Brad's great-grandmother Monday Dec. 8th. She has been going down hill for about 6 months now and she finally give up. She is in a much better place now! We buried her on Thursday so needless to say this week has been really hard for us.
Through all of this I have been calling to God and he has been there. I used to worry so much, but this time I just layed it all out for God. He is in control and he has the blueprint of our life. Please keep us in your prayers!
Posted by The McCullough Household at 1:55 PM 1 comments
Labels: All the bad things vs. God
Well as you can see I have not posted anything in over a month! Brad and I have been so busy between work and everything alse. During the week we have both been working and on the weekends we have been helping Heather and Josh remodel their house. This past Friday we actually went out to eat with my Aunt and Uncle, Saturday I had to work all day, and Sunday we of course went to church and then went out to eat. Apparently Brad and I got something bad to eat because both of us have been sick! Well I hope I can get some pics to put on for all of you to see what has been going on in our life.
Posted by The McCullough Household at 1:54 PM 0 comments
Brad and I were both off Friday and so we slept in!!! That night we went to watch my brother play baseball in Taylorville. They are in district right now. They won the game and afterwards the kids talked Brad and I into going to their house and watch them shoot their fireworks. We had a great time with them. Well, Saturday we slept in again and that night we had to drive almost 2 hours to go see Brad's cousin Jordan play in Fayette. During the first inning the tornadoe sirens went off. Boy was I scared!!! That game was the longest game ever. It started at 7 and did not end untill 9. Okay so 2 hours is not that long, but it sure did seem like it. They won their game too. When we got home that night we went straight to bed! Sunday we went to church and then my little brother had a birthday party so we were at my Dad's the rest of the day. Brad and I had a great weekend and hope you did too.
Posted by The McCullough Household at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Posted by The McCullough Household at 11:51 AM 1 comments
Brad and I are leaving tomorrow afternoon to go white water rafting with our friends Josh and Heather. I am so excited! We are going to stay in Gatlinburg and the rafting place is about 30 minutes from there. We will be getting back home sometime Sunday so I will try to take some good pictures to post when I get back.
Posted by The McCullough Household at 12:32 PM 0 comments